Protection of Personal Information

Traduzioniclick, responsible for processing the data required for the web services offered on, undertakes to make sure users use the website in full compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data recently laid down by the Legislative Decree no. 196 dated June 30, 2003 – previously called “Code” and formerly recognized by all as Law no. 675/96 on privacy. All activities carried out by Traduzioniclick, concerning the processing of the personal information of its users, are specifically set out and described in this document, which was structured to inform users on article 13 of the “Code.”
What are our policies regarding the protection of personal information?
This document describes how Traduzioniclick processes the information provided by its users when connecting to or using the services offered on the website The document also describes how Traduzioniclick processes personal information whenever shared with other users. Traduzioniclick, Via Dordoni 12, 37010 – San Zeno di Montagna (VR), Italy, is responsible for the processing of the personal information. The “person in charge of processing such personal information” is also found at this address and users can call at any time to receive any additional information on the policies adopted by our company regarding the protection of personal information.
Gathering and using personal information
Traduzioniclick only gathers the personal information of its users when they register to access or purchase a specific service. In any other case, the site can be visited in a completely anonymous manner. The information required by Traduzioniclick for registration is the same as defined by the “common” laws (i.e. personal data); in no case will users be required to transfer “sensitive” data, as provided by article 4.1, under letter d, of the “Code;” in case of registration, users will see, at the end of the page on which the information has been stored, a box on the “informative” and which they can click on to consult this document and to provide their consent to the processing of their information by clicking on the same. Users will only be able to register once they have consented to such. Traduzioniclick uses mandatory and optional fields for user registration. The information that must be inserted in the mandatory fields is strictly needed for the provision of services. The information included in the optional fields is used to improve such services and communications and to better meet the needs of users or to inform them about special offers and new products.
Why and how will the data be processed?
Traduzioniclick gathers the personal information provided by users in the above-specified manner and by electronic means; such data will be processed electronically and manually. Traduzioniclick only uses the information provided for the following purposes: to execute and deliver the services covered, to respond to a user request with regards to certain products or services, to check the quality of the services offered and to develop studies and market research. Finally, only after consent has been given by selecting the appropriate box, Traduzioniclick can use the information for commercial and promotional purposes, such as for sending advertisements and/or informative materials.
Sharing and disclosure of personal information
The information gathered in the above-mentioned manner, which allows us to identify users, is not subject to disclosure. Such information could be transmitted to third parties solely in the event that: an explicit consent to share data with third parties has been received; Traduzioniclick needs to send the information to its co-workers and partners in order to fulfill the specific services (unless otherwise specified by us, these individuals/companies cannot use the personal data provided for purposes other than the ones needed to carry out their service); if required by the Judicial Authorities or by other competent authorities; or when a user has violated our guidelines on how to use the site. How to change or cancel the information provided?
Users can exercise their rights under article 7 of the “Code” at any time; including the right to access the registry of the guarantor or to access, correct, cancel or refuse the processing of the information provided by writing to:
Via Dordoni 12, 37010 – San Zeno di Montagna (VR), Italy
In any way, Traduzioniclick allows its users to change or cancel the data provided at any time.
Such request can be sent by email at by indicating “cancellation and/or change of information” as the subject.